Hey Babe, i’m Meagan.
I’m a lover of all things wild... hair, clothes, adventures, dreams, and most importantly...hearts.
Have you ever been told what you “should do”? Yea, same. Like a million times. You should go to college, you should get a degree, you should dress appropriately, you should be respectful, you should act like a lady...HA!, you should settle down, you should...you should not, the list goes on!! But here's the thing, i’ve never listened and i’m never going to.
I started in the beauty industry in 2010, it was an impulse decision (like most of mine are), and really because I didn’t know what else to do. I was twenty years old, working part time at the front desk of a salon and going to college for no real purpose. So I took a chance and fell in love, with beauty, transformations, and people...because that's really what my job is about, all of you. I don’t need to make you look beautiful, you already are, but what i will do is make sure you know it.
Education is everything, and I am crazy serious about growth, in my business and life. So I am constantly seeking new experiences, classes, mentorship, anything to throw me outside my comfort zone. That is exactly how NBR came into my life, I learned about it through a podcast and the rest is history! Extensions have pushed me to my limits, and forced me to become a better stylist, and I am OBSESSED. They consumed my life for the first year after becoming certified. It started at a 3 day class in CA with the creator that rocked my world, and over the next year i went back 6 times to train with them in person, it’s the best thing i’ve ever done.
When i’m not in the salon i am on the road or in the sky, traveling is my absolute favorite thing. There is nothing that will break you open quicker than landing in a different world, new sights, sounds, smells, languages...its an attack on your senses and its what keeps me alive! I learn more about myself every time I leave, and I always come back with a better version. I highly recommend booking that ticket babe.
This is what I need you to know, YOU ARE WILD. You were born wild, you were born free, and even if that has been shoved down deep inside of you...it’s there and Wild Hearts is where you can find it again.